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How to Cultivate Compassion as an Equestrian and Deepen Your Connection with Your Horse

In my work as an equine podiatrist, healer and human-equine relationship facilitator, I am coming to realise more and more that the best way I can help horses is to help owners cultivate more love, compassion, allowance and patience within themselves.

As such, to I am called to deepen my own spiritual path, in order to be of service to others. I encourage all horse owners and professionals to do the same, and I want to share something truly special with you - an opportunity to deepen your spiritual journey and expand your consciousness through the Foundations course by Evolution One, a non-profit organisation very close to my heart.

I had a health crisis of sorts earlier his summer, and found Foundations to be truly transformational and healing for me, and my energy and delivery of my work has returned beyond my expectations, and with much renewed vigour and purpose!

Naturally I have signed up to the second Foundations this year after I met other repeat attendees during a recent meditation retreat who claimed to experience a deepening of their own spiritual practices each time they attended Foundations – it’s the gift that keeps giving!

Foundations is a two-week online experience that combines powerful energy transmissions, guided practices, and wisdom teachings to help you unlock your highest potential.

Whether you're already on a deep spiritual path or just starting to explore this dimension of life, this course is designed to support your awakening in a profound way.

In short, Foundations program, guided by the Elohim offers:

• A "Google Maps update" for your spiritual path

• Techniques to achieve greater alignment and inner calm

• Tools to clean out emotional and mental "excess baggage"

• Daily meditations and practices for sustainable growth

• A supportive community to enhance your journey

The next course starts October 14th to October 20th 2024, and there will be more opportunities to attend live Foundations courses in the years to come.

Please feel free to use my affiliate link to sign up for a 25% discount: Please note:  do not benefit financially by promoting this course but wish to share this discount code to help as many people as possible benefit from this incredible resource.

Some of the amazing benefits include 

1. Discover your highest potential with Foundations - a consciousness expanding journey. Deepen your intuition, open to divine guidance, and activate your innate healing abilities through this transformative two-week online course.

2. Deepen your spiritual path and find inner resilience with Foundations. Whether you're a seasoned spiritual practitioner or just awakening, this experience will provide powerful tools to dismantle limits and develop unshakable strength.

3. Expand your awareness and align with the Universe through Foundations. Channeled transmissions and practices will harmonize your energy field, so you can navigate life's challenges with grace and wisdom.

4. Rediscover your connection to all of existence in this life-changing course. Foundations will help you remember your sacred relationship with the Earth, cosmos, and the consciousness driving all creation.

5. Are you ready to awaken to your true self? Foundations will guide your evolution with daily alignments, group energy work, and profound teachings from the highly evolved Elohim guides working through Asil.

6. Take the next step on your spiritual journey with Foundations. This potent initiation strengthens your energetic foundation to expand your awareness and step into the highest expression of yourself.

7. If you're feeling called to elevate your vibration, Foundations provides the teachings and frequency attunements to catalyze your awakening in a grounded, supported way. Emerge living from your soul's truth.

The course is delivered by highly experienced facilitators and supported by a global community. All you need is an open mind and heart.

The steps to sign up are easy:

1.        Click on my link which will go to the course information page

2.        Peruse the page and feel if it resonates for you

3.        If yes, simply click the boxes of each reflection statement (3 in total)

4.        Click “continue to sign up”

5.        This will take you to the payment page where your discount will be automatically applied

6.        Choose your payment plan, sign up, and voila, welcome to a new beginning!

Common Questions


Understandably cost can be a concern, which is why Evolution One offers scholarship opportunities and flexible payment plans to make the course accessible. The friendly support team is happy to discuss your specific situation to find what works best for you. You can reach them at

Energetic Container & Support

This course creates a special energetic container, amplified by the global community, to support your journey. You'll have access to daily alignments, weekly practices, and regular transmissions from the Elohim guides, facilitated by Asil. Our ambassador team provides ongoing integration support and energetic practices during the course.

Who are the Guides?

The Elohim are highly evolved beings who serve as architects of our reality. They share their wisdom and energy transmissions through Asil to support humanity's awakening. Please find a more detailed description here:

What is a Transmission?

A transmission is a transfer of energy and consciousness from the Elohim, delivered through Asil, to assist in your spiritual expansion and evolution. Please find a more detailed description:

What is an Alignment?

Alignments are special energetic attunements facilitated by the Elohim to facilitate healing and help bring you into greater harmony within yourself and the universe.

I invite you to watch EV1 transmissions to experience an energy alignment.

An energy alignment is like a meditation with energetic benefits. Energy alignments contain energetic frequencies intended for the betterment of your consciousness, evolution and self-realization process.

They include both wisdom as well as energetic adjustments that work to uplift and balance your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual-energetic bodies.

Hear Asil talk more about energy alignments in the video here:

Who is Asil (and EV1)?

Time Commitment

While live attendance is ideal, understandably schedules vary. All live sessions are recorded, and it is recommended to experience the replay within 24 hours to stay attuned to the group field. Taking this approach allows busy individuals to fully participate.

Already on a Spiritual Path?

Foundations complements and enhances any existing spiritual practice or path you're on. Many spiritual practitioners, healers, and teachers have found this course deepens their offerings.

Who is this for?

As well as non-professionals, there have been many participants from the following professional demographics join the course including:

·        Horse owners and other people seeking a more compassionate life

·        Healers (reiki, energy healing etc)

·        Teachers (yoga, general education)

·        Life coaches

·        Psychotherapists

·        Lawyers and judges

·        Government employees and politicians

·        Medical professionals

·        Corporate leaders and business owners

I’m already actively doing gridwork/sacred site work and have been trained to do so. What benefit would this pathway hold for me?

It would be seen and received as an extension of what you have already learned, a complimentary understanding and support both energetically, internally and also with a community of aligned and initiated earth keepers. In some of the grid work we do as earth keepers we will be confronted with challenging environments and circumstances and those may potentially require a collective and communal effort, and the support from higher realms. This is such a support system.

A collection of different pathways and initiations can support in an extended and amplified way the service that we are providing in the world. The course will provide a new perspective and nuances on energetic work, using the support available in our energy field to fine-tune or improve the energy delivery of any grid worker practitioner.

New to Spirituality? 

No prior experience is required! The course creates an easy entry point, delivered in a grounded, practical way to serve everyone's spiritual unfoldment. All that is required from you is an open heart and mind, and a willingness to show up for yourself.

Typically Have Difficulty Meditating? 

If meditation is new or challenging, this program will provide a supportive structure and practices to help you develop this skill in a natural, easy way. The daily guided alignments are short, potent energy transmissions typically 5-10 minutes in length. They make establishing a meditation practice easy and accessible, even if you've struggled to meditate for extended periods before. The alignments come in the form of guided and channelled affirmations, helping you gently open your energy field.

Discipline / Structure Example- For those who say "I don't have the discipline to start or follow a spiritual or meditation practice”

The Foundations course is designed to help build a consistent spiritual practice in a very supported, structured way. Even if discipline around meditation or spiritual exploration has been challenging in the past, this program creates an energetic container that makes developing the habit much easier. You'll receive 3 short, daily guided energy alignment meditations. Having this daily anchor removes the uncertainty of "What should I do?" and instills the ritual.

The alignments are deeply nourishing while also manageable for busy schedules. Additionally, there are weekly journaling exercises, group practice calls, channelled transmissions, and guidance from facilitators who have walked this path.

This combination provides accountability, real-time support when obstacles arise, and inspiration to stick with the practices. As you experience the profound benefits of the alignments and energy work, your motivation and discipline naturally grow. You'll start to crave the elevated consciousness and inner peace this work inspires.

The live course format with a global community also creates a commitment and cohesive field- you'll be journeying together for two transformative weeks. This amplified collective energy makes it easier to maintain the rhythm. Trust that you don't need to be a master of discipline to begin. The structure, guidance, and energetic forces are designed to initiate the habit naturally. Before long, your spirit will be craving the daily practices!

Family Concerns Example- "My family doesn't understand this work. How will it affect my relationships?" 

On a spiritual path, it's common for our closest relationships to be impacted as we grow and change. The Foundations course is designed to help you expand your consciousness while maintaining important connections.

As you deepen your alignment and inner peace through the teachings, you'll likely find yourself responding to family dynamics from a more grounded, compassionate place. Your increased self-awareness and resilience can help navigate misunderstandings with greater ease.

That said, your loved ones may initially have concerns if this work seems unfamiliar to them. Open and loving communication about your experiences can go a long way. Share how the course is benefitting you personally, but avoid preaching or projecting expectations on them.

Ultimately, your expanded presence and authentic living will be the greatest teacher.

 As you embody the principles of Foundations, those close to you may become curious about the positive shifts they're witnessing. Respond to questions with patience and let your journey be an inspiration.

The course creates a supportive energetic container and community for you during this transition. But remember, everyone is on their own sacred path. Trust that as you shine your light, those open to receiving its wisdom will be guided to do so in their own time.

Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions! I'm happy to provide further perspective on navigating this effectively.

Please feel free to use my affiliate link to sign up for a 25% discount: Please note:  do not benefit financially by promoting this course but wish to share this discount code to help as many people as possible benefit from this incredible resource.

I'm happy to share more details or answer any questions! This has been such a transformative experience for me, and I'd love for you to join me on this journey, on this; my second Foundations course this year!


Beccy Smith BSc ADAEP EBW

Diploma in Advanced Applied Equine Podiatry and now an Independent Integrative Equine Podiatrist, Consultant and Therapist. Certified Lazaris Nerve Release TM Practitioner

CEO and Founder of 100% Non-Profit Community Interest Company Holistic Reflections CIC

Holistic Reflections CIC – a 100% non-profit organisation promoting wellbeing and resilience in people, horses and the environment - for the benefit of all.


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